Sparrow at Heart

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Some times we forget how fortunate we are

I read an article about a twitter user who created a campaign called ‘Middle Class Problems’.  Benjamin Lee, the creator of the account links what he calls real problems but not real actual problems, just middle class ones, with images of people with real problems.


Middle Class Problems




Middle Class Problems

Middle Class Problems, by Benjamin Lee

Middle Class Problems


My first reaction was, people can be so ungrateful, naturally excluding myself from the statement.   A full moment later I felt embarrassed at my thoughts.  I am one of those people.  Just the other day, I went into a complete state of self-pity, when I thought of where I am in life.  I felt deflated and depressed because I haven’t achieved x, y and z.  It literally affected my mood for the whole afternoon.  After mentioning it to K, he got irritated with me.  At the time I thought he was being inconsiderate of my feelings.  Looking back now.  I am pretty glad he was.  Not only did it highlight the moment for me, he is right.  I was being a selfish and ungrateful idiot.

I am grateful for a husband who loved me enough to highlights things for me instead of tip-toeing around my feelings.  I am grateful for temper tantrums and cuddles.  I am grateful for my boys, the mini-men in my life.  I am grateful for our health, for teachers who care about my kids’ education.  I am grateful for a beautiful home that houses my family and keeps us warm and safe.  I am grateful for my support group, my family, friends and colleagues who care about us.  I am grateful for a job that allows me to take care of my kids, fill our tummies and at the same time satisfy me.  I am grateful that I have the ability and resources to study.


What are you grateful for today?


Image Source: My Modern Met

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Birthdays are quite simply magical

I celebrated my 28th birthday over the weekend.  Kobus and the kids made my day extremely special.  It started long before the actual day, with Oliver singing happy birthday at every chance he gets.  The fact that he has learned how to say Alet means we both squeal in delight every time he says it.

Logan came home on Friday with a cupcake he bought at the cake and candy sale at school.  Instead of enjoying it himself he decided he would save it me.  Of course between him and Oliver I pretty much had one very special bite.

Cupcake for mom


Kobus fetched WD on Saturday morning.  WD had phoned and asked whether he could spend the weekend with us, because of my birthday.  I had a relaxing bath while K and the boys fetch WD and afterwards my mom came over for coffee and cake.

The afternoon we went to a Pitbull show.  I have a kind of love-hate relationship with out Pits.  Roxy is an angel.  She might look/find a shoe to chew on every now and then – but she doesn’t really do any harm to the shoe.  Maybe it is just a girl thing?  Bruno is a manic dog – stubborn, with a mind of his own.  (Man thing?)  Luckily we’ve been given some awesome tips and they seem to be working!  Furthermore, we found out about some obedience classes for the pups, right here in our area and the classes are based on our breed and not dogs in general.

Saturday evening K and I went out for supper and a stroll.  We tried an Indian restaurant called Tranna.  We aren’t generally big on Indian food, but loads of friends have recommended the place and the weather was perfect for a nice warm curry!  We were not disappointed at all!  Both K and I opted for mild curry and it was seriously mild – next time I will try a medium curry for sure.



Sunday morning we met up with friends for breakfast.  The kids enjoyed themselves while we enjoyed adult conversation (and some awesome prezzies).

I felt a little sad by Sunday afternoon.  I felt like I was suck in a rut.  Maybe the milestone just put a little damper on my spirit – making me feel inadequate.  Silly really…  I guess that is life.  Even though we swim as hard as we can, if the tide is against you/ it is not your time.  It is not your time.  A very grown up thought.

I am rambling, let me stop.

Bottom line, my birthday was magical.  I surrounded myself with the people I love most and I enjoyed every moment.  Even the uncomfortable psycho babble I should have ignored!


My First Tattoo: Never Alone

I have wanted a tattoo for the longest time.  My biggest challenge has always been finding the perfect design for my tattoo.   Everything that I would come up with would always have a couple of element that I am not happy with.  Secretly, I think I was just pretty damn petrified and hiding behind the ‘perfect’ design was an easy excuse.

To illuminate all of that would mean, I would have to make my first tattoo something simple.  The idea really came to me in the shower one morning and as soon as I the thought came to me, I knew.  I had my mind made up and heart set on it:

The ampersand

Different kinds of Ampersand - '&' Sign

I love all the different kinds of ampersands, especially the fancy ones.  But the simple every day ‘&’ ampersand is my favourite.  It was a part of my wedding monogram, it is pretty much engraved in my heart and now on my arm.  It is slightly off centre, bold and a reminder that I am never alone.  It is always someone ‘&’ me.

After looking through loads of fonts, I decided on ‘Century’ as my font of choice.  I tested the look and feel of the font:

Tattoo - Before '&'



Done, healed and loving it:

Ampersand '&' tattoo - done

Just like that I completed the first task on a very long list of 30 things before I am thirty

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30 Before Thirty

Doing the 30 by 30 list is the right thing to do.  It is the perfect opportunity to get rid of the awkwardness of youth and become a real (proper) woman.  It is also the perfect opportunity to learn to follow through and achieve goals.


I will only be 30 on the 31st of August 2015.  In order for me to accomplish my 30 before I’m 30 goals, I will need to start sometime.  Now is as good a time as any…

  1. Get my first tattoo
  2. Complete my degree
  3. Have a proper holiday, husband and I only
  4. Get a DSLR camera
  5. Do a photography course/ workshop
  6. Paint – like a proper painting of something
  7. Attend regular Zumba classes
  8. Be debt free
  9. Do a film marathon at the cinema (2/3 back to back films)
  10. Go to a concert
  11. Apply for passports for the kids
  12. Get a mentor
  13. Travel to Cape Town
  14. Buy a house
  15. Get involved with a NGO that assist teenmoms
  16. Go for a full day or overnight spa package
  17. Open a Satrix account
  18. Really give running a try, i.e. not stopping on day 5
  19. Host a dinner party
  20. Go to the theatre
  21. Take Logan to a musical (Cats if possible)
  22. Take a dance class (With husband)
  23. Rename / redesign / self-host this blog
  24. Go to a 27Dinners event
  25. Walk the dogs, lots and lots
  26. Fully organise and declutter our study
  27. Become a member of a homegroup cell
  28. Figure out and implement the whole netflix thing
  29. Fly the kids to somewhere
  30. Plan an awesome 30th birthday party

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Goals Recapped

Where does time go?  Just the other day I was writing my goals for the year and here we are 6 months later and it really doesn’t feel like I’ve come all that far.  I feel the need to recap:


  1. Loose weight – this is a big fail and for some reason it always it.  Loosing weight is always on the list and it never really happens.  We started off okay, we ended our gym membership with Planet Fitness and started going to Virgin Active.  Then the whole house packing-fixing-moving happened.  And here we are a nearly a whole month later and the gym has seen me in weeks.  I should see the fact that my body is telling me it is time to get moving again as a good sign, shouldn’t I?
  2. Documenting the year.  I have started a 365 photo project.  For the most part I take a photo every day, some of the times I forget to post the photo.  Furthermore I have committed to posting at least twice a week and I seem to get by, even when some of the days are “lazy” posts with only photos.
  3. I haven’t gotten around to buying my DSLR, just yet..  I will get there as soon as I can.
  4. Actively looking for a career opportunity.  Here I have been bless so much this year.  I have gone into a completely different direction with my career and most days are extremely challenging for me.  But I guess that is the discomfort you feel when you get out of your comfort zone.
  5. UNISA.  I successfully completed my 2 modules last semester and I was very happy with the results.  This semester I have only registered for 3 modules instead of the four.  However I will also complete an eight week online course.  So I guess that equals out.
  6. Support my husband in this new business ventures..  This turned out very different to what we were planning, expecting and working towards.  He is happy and because K is happy I am happy.


I guess this is why we review goals.  So far I am looking pretty good with a 4 out of 6.  Point number 3 I don’t have much control over, it is one of those things that I want to have as a priority, but will happen when it happens.

How is your goals coming along for the year?

Source Imagine


UNISA Mini Freak-out session



I have been studying through UNISA for a while now.  A while in this case translates to six years, since 2006.  To be far I took a couple of years off in between.  I took a year off to get to know Kobus.  Another year while I was pregnant and a last year for the 1st year of Oliver’s life.

I was aware of the fact that there is a time frame attached to completing a degree.  The time frame I had in mind was 10 years…  a good, round, solid number.

Yesterday while battling to register for a couple of modules, the revelation of  8 years for a 3 year degree caught my eye.  I could feel my throat closing a just a little as I realized I have quite a long way to go and not much time.

I voiced my concerns to my dear husband last night and that is where we came to the conclusion that the next couple of semesters is going to be just a little hectic.

Image source

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Huggies #ChoosePinkorBlue

If you know a little bit about me, you would know I have a slight obsession with Mickey Mouse.

Imagine how thrilled I was when I received the invitation, to attend the launch of the new #choosepinkorblue Huggies Gold nappy, featuring Mickey and Minnie!

Intro Huggies

The morning was a real treat.  The Westcliff Hotel’s Arcadia Room was beautifully decorated in pink and blue – attention was given to all the finer thing.   A scrumptious breakfast was served followed by divine red velvet cupcakes.

Tumi Morake was the guest speaker for the morning and man is she funny.  As a mom of two boys I could completely relate to her every world.

In addition to being wonderfully spoiled with thoughtful age appropriate goodie bag with toys and nappies, I got to meet some fabulous Twitter/Blog moms.

Choose Pink or Blue

Huggies is already our brand of choice at home.  Having a nappy with tailored absorption for my Oli makes my life easier.  Combine this with a well love and respected character like Mickey and you have the perfect combination.

Thank you to Huggies for a fun filled morning!

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Respect: My the Lord bless you and keep you

ImageI feel nostalgic.  I have been the whole day today,  The nostalgia goes hand in hand with the respect I have for the way I was brought up.  My traditions.  Who I am.  I am so grateful for parents who gave me the best education they could.  Even when I was snotty and wanted to go to the artsy fartsy school.  I was shaped and molded at the Afrikaanse Hoer Meisieskool in Pretoria.  And even though I am sending my kids to English schools I will teach them the values, culture and respect I was thought up with as a teenager.

A Facebook friend poster this poster:

bless you and keep you

I like this poster.  And I have been looking for a poster with a black background – being a Swart (Black in Afrikaans) and all.  What puzzled me from the moment I read it was the song that accompanies the verse.

Every year around September we would have “kerkafsluiting” to thank God for the year and to say goodbye to the Matriculants.  It use to be tedious practicing for this event, hours and hours were dedicated, whether you could sing or not.  Incredible songs were sang – most of which I cannot think of right now.  But this one was a favourite along with the “Halleluja Koor” – sung in Afrikaans.

Listening to the song, brought tears to my eyes.  How blessed an I to have had the opportunity to attend such a magnificent school ?  How bless am I to have such magical moments locked in my heart, forever to be replayed.

I can honestly say I respect and cherish where I come from, how I was brought up and the traditions that made me who I am today!

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Today I decide to embrace life. Will you join me?


The past couple of weeks have been a big eye opener for me.  It started with a colleague who lost her 23 year old son in a car accident and it hasn’t stopped.  This morning I heard of a fourth death in three short weeks.

I realize death is a part of live.  I won’t say I agree with it or understand it.  What I find very close to my heart at this particular moment, is need to embrace life.

Why do I worry about the little things?

The unnecessary argument that I had with K this morning.

The extra role of fat I carry around my waist, the one I obsess about.

Money I don’t have.

Worries about things that haven’t or might never happen.

Why do I fight through homework instead of enjoying it as quality time with Logan?  Time I get to teach him something about life.

Why do I dread Oliver’s moaning instead of seeing it as an opportunity to to sing and dance to “Ring-a-ring o’ roses”?

Why is my schedule so full that I don’t have time for coffee with a friend?

Today I decide to embrace life.  I choose to make time for the things that are important to me.  I choose to stop stressing about the small things.  I choose to have faith and accept the things I have no control over.  I choose to embrace everything life has to offer and make the best of the not so nice moments.

Will you join me?

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Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother. Lin Yutang

I was every so slightly fearful after the stunt I pulled sending K on a wild goose chase last year for Father’s day.  I should have know my gentle hearted husband couldn’t do anything as cruel as sending me through the streets of Pretoria with only a  list of new street names.

Instead I was treated to breakfast and an outing to the Monte Casino Bird Gardens.


I have to admit I’m not a big bird fan, in general.  (Sparrows aside.)  My general thought pattern is – why should I pay to see birds – if I can go to a zoo and see so much more.  However to say I was pleasantly surprised, would be an understatement.  We were thoroughly entertained from the moment we walked into the gardens until the moment we left.


Feeding the brightly coloured Rainbow Lorikeets nectar was awesome.  Oli got a bit of a fright when the bird climbed on him and a couple of ears (and even my earring) was nibbled.  What amazing little creatures!

Logan and birds

The flight of Fantasy bird show was educational and entertaining all in one.  I can honestly say Oliver the Pelican was the highlight of the day for me.  Well maybe that together with the joy and awe on the faces of my boys while they learnt and played between the birds.

Logan and Oliver photo

WD & Logan photo

Thank you to my awesome Husband for making the day truly memorable.  I can honestly say I know I am valued and loved every day, not only on the day set aside to celebrate it.  But I do love the celebration involved in Mother’s day!