Sparrow at Heart

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Vintage Mickey Mouse [Video]

Oliver really has caught on to my little Mickey Mouse obsession.  Our new little pass time is watching vintage Mickey Mouse videos when the other boys are away.

I’ve never seen this one before, but it is really cute and with the baking of biscuits, it kind of reminds me of Kobus.

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A second wedding anniversary … Durable. Versatile. Elegant and Beautiful.

It feels like just the other day my head was swimming with wedding ideas and themes.  Just the other day I would go about happily chanting “Lettice is getting married”.

And now, here we are 2 years later…


You are still my most favourite  person in the whole wide world.  You are still the person I want to grow old with.  Even though some days I feel like hitting you over the head with something really hard and solid, I wouldn’t trade you for anything or anyone.

When I searched around the web for 2nd wedding anniversary ideas, I found the below meanings to the traditional and modern gift ideas.  I think they are pretty special:

2nd Anniversary Traditional Gift :

Cotton. As a material, cotton is both durable and versatile. These are both important qualities in a successful marriage. Cotton has also been known as a symbol of great prosperity.

2nd Anniversary Contemporary/Modern Gift:

China. Many people describe love as being elegant and beautiful. In the same way many people view love, china is seen as elegant and beautiful, too.

May we in this coming year equip our marriage to be more durable and more versatile.  And may we reap the rewards of our efforts.

May our life together be elegant and beautiful!


If you want to read something very special.  Read this article:  10 things I’ve learned in 10 years of marriage.

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Little things: The vase story

This morning while standing at the sink in the kitchen, washing a vase – I was reminded of it’s story:

It must have been our second date and Mr Swart had decided to bring me flowers.  At that stage I wasn’t overly domesticate and most things had a double purpose or use.  For example the blue galvanised watering can was used as a flower vase the couple of times I had received flowers in the past.

Kobus didn’t like the idea one bit.  So on his following visit he brought along a vase to go with the flowers he had bought me the night before.

{image source}

This was something so little.  But it showed me a person who would always look after me.  A person that would make sure all my needs were met.

My Kobus is that person, to this day!


What is it with all the goat?

Kobus is a registered animal health technician.  He thrives in the open spaces between goat / sheep / cattle.  The combination of fresh air, goat dung and the smell of pure goat, brings out the lighter side in my husband.

K currently works retail hours working with animal medicines, etc.  For most of last year, he applied for jobs, desperate to get out of his current environment and into something else that would stimulate him and allow him to enjoy weekends with the kids and I.  I can honestly say there were days I felt demoted on his behalf – defeated and in the dumps – and yet K kept raising above.  He refused to give up, he would look for opportunities.  Network.  Update his CV.  And subscribe to many and more career websites.

He is an inspiration to me and his perseverance is beyond anything I have ever seen!  I really am a very lucky lady!

Towards the end of the year last year, desperation along with an intense need for change, drove K and I to start looking at the possibility of starting a business.  It was around the same time that one of his currently clients approached him to look after his stud goat while he went on holiday.

After two weeks of looking after goat, his client offered him a position.  With the notice period of 3 months coming to an end at the end of April, Kobus looks forward to working with the goat on a full-time basis from the first of May.

In the meanwhile we will juggle goat, a normal day job, grade 1 and an almost terrible two, like we have been for the past couple of months.

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In sickness and in health



Last week Tuesday, the 19th of February, had us waiting around the day ward of Pretoria East Hospital.  The ERCP was done after what felt like countless hours of waiting around the ward.  When K was wheeled into theatre at around 13h15, my hopes were for us to find the cause and fix it.

The ERCP was successful.  The liquid around the gallbladder was drained but no obstructions or abnormalities was present.  The bad news was that we were no-where closer to finding out what was causing the pain.  Along with the success of the procedure there was a new abdominal pain – the doctor did explain to us that one of the risks of having the procedure done was contracting an infection called pancreatitis.  The pain was excruciating from the moment he was wheeled out of surgery.   Later afternoon K made a deal with the doctor that if the pain did not get better by that evening we would need to have him admitted.

Wednesday morning K was in so much pain that instead of going to work, he had one of the work driver take him straight back to the hospital.  Dr Potgieter tested for pancreatitis and all sorts.  For the next 3 days K was pricked for more blood, x-ray’ed again and given copious amounts of pain medication.

By Friday afternoon the doctor declared K strong enough to come home.  The pain was still there, but not quite as hectic as it had been in previous days.  Today – nearly a whole week later, K is feeling better.  He has pain from time to time and drink the needed painkillers as the need arises.  But for the most part he feels much better.

So does that mean they have fixed him?  I don’t know.  I sure hope so.  For the moment he is okay – hopefully if there is pain again the doctors will know what the new plan of action will be to sort out the problem.



I am just very grateful to have my husband better again.

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Rolling in the Grass

Rolling in the Grass

We had our yearly photo shoot at the beginning of November.   We decided on a location shoot rather than a studio shoot and I have to admit it is the best decision we’ve made.  Between myself and K we promised not to “leak” any of the photos before the time is right – i.e. once the festive season has come and gone.  But I couldn’t resist showing at least one of us :)

The 5 minutes K and I enjoyed the limelight together were very special.  It actually inspired me to think of a special shoot just for the 2 of us .  Maybe once I have hit a milestone goal in my weigh loss journey.


Father's Day 2012

Father’s day 2012 had a couple of twists in it.. For a start, my boys went on their very own treasure hunt that involved a drive around town, with only the new street names as clues.  The idea was for Mr. Daddy to follow the route set out for him, and match the new street names with what they were previously called.  Something K was very good at until he got didn’t get to Nico Smit Street, previously knows at Michael Brink St.  Here is a bit of what the hunt was like:

  1. Turn Left into January Masilela
  2. Turn Right at the second traffic light
  3. Cross the high way, follow the road (my tattoo artist on you left)
  4. Where the road ends you need to turn Right
  5. Turn left into Justice Mohammed Street 
  6. When you get to Jan Shoba turn Left
  7. Around and round the circle and into Main Street

Kobus and 2 boys ended their journey off at the National Botanical Garden were even thought the weather wasn’t all that great, we had a picnic.

Oli and ‘Dada’

Having K in my life and in the life of my kids, is an honour.  I appreciate him, i appreciate the example his for me and our kids!

The boys

Like any good mom and wife I was ready with the rewards for every correct Street Name:

Thank you for the idea Pinterest!

Love you darling and I cannot imagine a single day without you.


The best decision I have ever made…

Was the day I said I do, to the man of my dreams.  The man of my reality.
1St Anniversary

Yesterday we celebrated our first wedding anniversary!  The day consisted of a breakfast menu in bed..  The breakfast followed shortly afterwards at the table with all my boys present.

Later the afternoon, the husband and I made our way to the State Theatre to watch to Dawid The Musical, which was beautiful!  It is totally amazing what they have managed to do with a 26 member cast!  More on that some other day!

Afterwards we made our way for supper, a bit of a strolle and a coffee at our favourite coffee shop, book in hand!

1st Anni Supper

What a way to celebrate and it is certainly how I can imagine the rest of my life!

Kobus, I Love you long time, I am so blessed!


The Winter Ball and other celebrations :p

Last weekend Kobus and I were privileged enough to attended the Pretoria School for Cerebral Palsied, Physically and Learning Disabled Learners’ 18th Annual Winter Ball.  The theme this year was a Western Cowboy theme, which was welcomed due to the cold weather.  Can I mention how thankful I am that it was last weekend and not this weekend!  My goodness it is freezing cold!

My employer offered some of the tickets to the staff and with husband like mine who loves dancing, I didn’t dare give up an opportunity like this!  And was it worth it!

Good food, good company and all that for a good cause!  The bonus of course was an evening out with my Darling Dearest to gallivant and dance the night away!

In other news, I have been married for 51 full weeks!  K and I will be celebrating our first wedding anniversary next week Saturday!  How blessed am I to have such an awesome husband!


Diplomatic School, Brazilian Blow Waves and $1000…

What an awesome little meme compliments of Laura Kim!

If you had $1000 (R7 500) to do with as you wanted, what would you buy?

Because it is too little to go on an island holiday with K, I would add some money and buy new lounge suite.  Oversized 3 seater couch in a caramel brown.  An ottoman to go with it and some throws and cushions.

Are you brave about changing your look (hairstyle, clothes, etc)? Why or why not?

I love trying new things,  I day dream and drool over some hairstyles.  But with the curly hair new hairstyles are a bit tricky!  Would love to try a Brazilian Blow Wave, however that would mean I would need to cut my hair quite a bit shorter to avoid it looking overly thin and mousy.  *Please with very fine and thin hair get this ;)*

When you met your husband/ wife, did you know that this was The One?

I knew K was the one before we even met I just knew.  And still I went home from our first date hoping and egging him on to contact me.  He was a perfect gentleman, he sent me a message before I even got home and thanked me for a lovely evening.  The rest was history!

Does the thought of a blogging conference freak you out or excite you, and why?

Definitely excites me.  We have some many awesome bloggers, it is a must!

If you could live in another country for 3 months, which one would you choose?

It would be awesome to live in *almost* any other country for 3 months or longer.  As long as I have my family with me and we have enough free time to travel and explore the country in between!  I am available for Diplomatic School in fact I have my enroll form completed and ready for submission!

Note:  Not too excited over places like Iraq or Iceland.  But anywhere else would do!