Sparrow at Heart


Birthdays are quite simply magical

I celebrated my 28th birthday over the weekend.  Kobus and the kids made my day extremely special.  It started long before the actual day, with Oliver singing happy birthday at every chance he gets.  The fact that he has learned how to say Alet means we both squeal in delight every time he says it.

Logan came home on Friday with a cupcake he bought at the cake and candy sale at school.  Instead of enjoying it himself he decided he would save it me.  Of course between him and Oliver I pretty much had one very special bite.

Cupcake for mom


Kobus fetched WD on Saturday morning.  WD had phoned and asked whether he could spend the weekend with us, because of my birthday.  I had a relaxing bath while K and the boys fetch WD and afterwards my mom came over for coffee and cake.

The afternoon we went to a Pitbull show.  I have a kind of love-hate relationship with out Pits.  Roxy is an angel.  She might look/find a shoe to chew on every now and then – but she doesn’t really do any harm to the shoe.  Maybe it is just a girl thing?  Bruno is a manic dog – stubborn, with a mind of his own.  (Man thing?)  Luckily we’ve been given some awesome tips and they seem to be working!  Furthermore, we found out about some obedience classes for the pups, right here in our area and the classes are based on our breed and not dogs in general.

Saturday evening K and I went out for supper and a stroll.  We tried an Indian restaurant called Tranna.  We aren’t generally big on Indian food, but loads of friends have recommended the place and the weather was perfect for a nice warm curry!  We were not disappointed at all!  Both K and I opted for mild curry and it was seriously mild – next time I will try a medium curry for sure.



Sunday morning we met up with friends for breakfast.  The kids enjoyed themselves while we enjoyed adult conversation (and some awesome prezzies).

I felt a little sad by Sunday afternoon.  I felt like I was suck in a rut.  Maybe the milestone just put a little damper on my spirit – making me feel inadequate.  Silly really…  I guess that is life.  Even though we swim as hard as we can, if the tide is against you/ it is not your time.  It is not your time.  A very grown up thought.

I am rambling, let me stop.

Bottom line, my birthday was magical.  I surrounded myself with the people I love most and I enjoyed every moment.  Even the uncomfortable psycho babble I should have ignored!

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WIFI and the very many assignments I need to submit

Utter madness.  I have 4 assignments that need to be submitted in the next week and a half.  1 Assignment that had to be (and luckily was) submitted by 10pm this evening.  However when I got home this afternoon to the news that our WIFI was not working, it became priority.

We had the ADSL lined installed in the middle of July and yet, it has become so central to our lifestyle that it is a frustration to go without.  The only thing that comes close to describing how it felt is the feeling you get when the electricity goes out – you know you can manage without it, but you dread every moment of it.

Luckily a 20 minute conversation with a Telkom technician, followed by a little chat with my brother and I managed to figure it our all by myself!

What is the one thing you dread living without?

****  In other news, I can tick my first item off my 30 before thirty list.   However this will be reserved for a full feature post ****


The #RoyalBaby and what caught my attention

I have to admit that I have not really been following the story of the #RoyalBaby.  I am very happy mom and baby is healthy.  And yes, I do think James is nicer than Alexander.  But for the most part, I find the funny tweets a lot more entertaining…

What did strike me as pretty odd when I got around to having a look at the royal baby, was the dress Kate was wearing.  My first impression that it is a pretty simple dress, almost home-made.  And certainly not the look we are used to seeing when looking at pictures of Kate.  It isn’t something I would wear when leaving the hospital.  But then again, I am not a Duchess.  And who really cares about my super comfy mommy jeans look?


Kate vs Diana #royalbaby


Then I noticed the photo comparing Kate and William with Diana and Charles.  Once again the dress caught my attention more than anything else.  I wondered?  Was she forced to wear that specific dress?  And by whom?  Was it just expected of her to wear something similar?  Or did she actively look for a similar look?

And lastly, if it were a girl, would it have been pink polka dots?

What do you think?


Cot to Bed: The lessons I have learnt through Oliver’s transition from cot to big bed

The pitter patter of little feet down the hall.  A constant grin.   The sense of accomplishment.


Moving Oliver over from his cot to a big boy bed was a big decision.

Our biggest fears were:

  1. That our bedtime routine would become a nightmare because there would be no “barriers” keeping him inside his bed.
  2. And that we would constantly have an almost two year old next to our bed in the middle of the night.

We finally decided to get rid of the cot purely because moving the cot from the old house to the new seemed like a silly thing to do considering our almost two year old son.  We decided to use a top-bunk bed for Oli’s first bed as it has the additional safety rail that keeps a person from rolling off the bed…

Month one with Oliver in his big boy bed was awesome, peaceful even.  Mister perceived the safety rail as a barrier keeping him in his bed.  There was no real change in our routine.  Oliver would call us during the night / in the morning as if he was still in his cot.  He would wait for us to pick him up and take him out of his bed..   For all intensive purposes he could have been sleeping in his cot.

Month two has been less fun – Oliver has learnt that isn’t all that difficult to climb over the  safety rail.  Our evenings are now filled with little feet walking down the hall.  A smile from ear to ear and pride that shines brighter than the moon.

The transitions has opened up a couple of windows of reality for me:

  • The most obvious is the fact that my baby is growing up, soon everything that makes him “baby” will fade away to make room for “boy”
  • Perception is incredible.  And it is important for me to make sure what I perceive
  • Not giving Oliver his own way when it comes to bedtime routine/ wake up’s in the middle of the night – reminds me that we have loads of responsibility as parents.  Discipline and consistency is crucial.
  • I relish in the pleasure Oliver feels when he accomplishes something.  It is so special and it is something I desire for all 3 my kids.  It motivates me to do anything and everything I can to give them a head start for a successful and joyful life.


What lessons have you learnt from the phases your kids are going through?  And do you have any practical advice when it comes to changing from cot to big bed?

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The Grace Factory is a non-profit organisation that collects baby item (used or new) and distributes them to precious little ones less fortunate.  They are having a little social the weekend and would for you to pop around and join them for a coffee and cake.

If you have already made other plans for the weekend, why not go through all your unwanted (and in the way) used baby goods and donate it?  They have lots of drop off point in and around Joburg.

And if you are, like me based in Pretoria, we could always get together and I will take it on your behalf.

For any inquiries or to read more about this wonderful event, go on over to Sharon’s blog by clicking here.

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Week in Pictures

I am so grateful for a relaxing weekend.  Last weekend was exhausting and although I would love to say the week that was, was a  breeze.  It wasn’t,  it was hectic!

Week in pictures


1.  Oliver smiles

2.  Aloe plant outside my mom’s yard as I dropped off the kids on Moving day

3.  Letter from the previous tenants called:  Dear New Inhabitants.  Very sweet

4.  Flowers from my garden

5.  Wooden floors, matching shoes

6.  Keeping us warm

7.  Logan has 3 eyes

8.  South African flag on my way home on Friday afternoon

9.  Flowers from  my mom


Sparrow at heart | Liebster Award



A big thank you to Cindy over at 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House who nominated me for the Liebster award.  It is always nice to receive an award, isn’t it?

This is how it works:

  1. Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog and link back to them in your post.
  2. Answer the 11 questions from the nominator, list 11 random facts about yourself and create 11 questions for your nominees.
  3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 11 blogs who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
  4. Copy and Paste the blog award on your blog.


Questions for me:

Do you have a program that you watch that you know is absolutely terrible but you can’t help but watch it, just to see how bad it is?  You know like Jerseylicious and that kind of stuff.  I watch Noot-vir-Noot.  It is kind of odd for me,  I don’t like Afrikaans music at all.  I’ve pretty much stopped speaking Afrikaans and yet I really enjoy the program.  Maybe it just brings happy memories from my childhood?
Do you do gas or electric heating?  Or are you blessed with a fireplace?  (If you have a fire place don’t even tell me, I might just die of jealousy).  We have electric heating at the moment.  But we are moving to a house with a fireplace in 7 sleeps – I am so happy it is winter at the moment.  How cruel of me :p
Do you know about this thing called “sleep”?  Can you tell me more about it?  Does it make you feel better that I currently feel like an old lady that needs 7 hours minimum per night.  Half past 9 it is lights out.
If you could eat the same thing everyday for the rest of your life what would it be?  If I could just have someone cooking for me every day I’d be happy.
What do you do with all your “donkeys”?  (Loose change that you can’t really use?)  I tend to not accept change I cannot use.  I normally swipe, but if I do pay with cash and get change, I put it in the tin next to the till.
If you don’t/didn’t have a partner, which famous celeb would you want to date?  Collin Farrell.  Need I say more? *comes with a bonus Irish accent*
Which celebrity do you think you look like?  Maybe a bit like Anna Davel with shorter hair?

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Questions for you:

  1. What is your dream holiday?
  2. Do you work in the industry you studied for?
  3. Do you love your job / what would you be doing if money wasn’t an issue?
  4. Favourite colour and why?
  5. If you could choose your own name, what would you go by?
  6. Who is your favourite author?
  7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  8. What is your favourite musical?
  9. One skill you wish you had!
  10. Favourite dessert?
  11. Who inspires you the most?


Some random things about me:

  1. I am a sweet tooth that drinks my coffee bitter
  2. I cannot drink coffee with a coffee creamer
  3. I use to be a travel agent
  4. I didn’t study to become one
  5. I’ve wanted to scuba dive since the age of 10 and I still haven’t
  6. I am dying to get back into painting with oils/ acrylic.  But the actual though of it scars me.
  7. I’ve left a bit of my heart behind in Geneva
  8. I would make a brilliant ambassador / I’d love to live in different countries for 2-4 years at a time.
  9. I love going to the theatre.
  10. I am very impatient.  I would rather go out and do something than sit and wait.
  11. I speak English to my Afrikaans husband


And the award goes to:

Rina, juggling life and always have a wise word of encouragement.

Tracey – however I wish she would post more often.  Hint hint

Sam over at The Clam, she is so brave and always so positive.

Joan, her Bridget Jones like diary style writing is awesome!

Jeanette inspires me by working full time and being an amazing photographer.  While raising two boys.

Melany, the supermom

Julia, love reading about her goals and how she has met them.

Fiona just has an amazing way with words.

Hayley – she knows how to celebrate life, it is inspiring

Cupcake Mummy, she knows how to have fun

Sharon a real girls mom

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Non-alcoholic champagne and grapefruit – my week in pictures…

So while I’m battling to log on to Unisa’s website (to study) – let me show you my week in pictures:

Image (1)

  1. Quality time (as much as one can with toddlers at your side) with bestie.
  2. A pose from the boys at Logan’s local pose spot at Irene Dairy Farm
  3. The SANBS visited our work.  Making the most of the O- blood in my veins
  4. Colouring in at Logan’s desk
  5. I have a thing for xerophilous plants.  K doesn’t like them
  6. School uniform – ready for winter
  7. Celebrating with non-alcoholic champagne  – unintentionally.  At least the kids enjoyed it!
  8. Preparation for the coming exams.
  9. Grapefruit (with honey) a new favourite of mine.


Why did I start blogging?

I really hate being one of those people who blog about blogging.  But I miss the blogging groove that I had – knowing what to write about and having the words flow.   I though about this a lot in the past week and I feel the need to work through the thoughts.  Make a couple of decisions and or hopefully rekindle my passion for writing!

Why did I start blogging?

A friend introduced me to a couple of the blogs she followed.  I read, I laughed and I cried.  And then I thought to myself – if they can do it, so can I!  I started my very first blog in November 2007.  I loved documenting my life, keeping little memories of what Logan and I did alive in my writing.  Sharing my hopes and my fears.

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Why did I stop blogging?

I started caring what people though of my writing.  I started caring who reads it and how and if I would offend someone by something I say.  I started rereading my posts 3/4 times and trying to see how something could be misinterpreted.  Then I started moving my blog around – renaming it again and again.  To put it simply – I started complicating things.

Question time:

Do you think the name of a blog influences how comfortable you are in your writing space?

What are the things you love about blogging?  What do you dislike?  Do you have a blogging schedule?  How do you fit blogging into a busy work-kids-husband kind of life?

What is the most bizarre comment you have ever received?

If you have a personal blog, would you consider starting a blog for your business/ employer?