Sparrow at Heart

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How to Trust God when we get Bad News?

Do we ever feel well-prepared for ready for bad news? I know I don’t, however, in hindsight, I always know God somehow prepared me for the bad news.

On Sunday morning at church, I bawled my eyes out over the simple truth, that I am not in control, despite my every effort to remain guarded, “seemingly” in control. A split second later, I felt my defenses rise up while I asked the very question: “What bad news is coming my way this week?”

How do we deal with bad news while trusting God?

This little train of thought led me down a rabbit hole: How do we deal with bad news while trusting God?

Let’s consider the meaning and implication of trusting God as a Christian.

What does it Really Mean to Trust God?

Oftentimes, I feel disappointed when I don’t get what I want. On the one hand, I know, I have a faithful Father in God that wants to give me the desires of my heart. I know that as I draw near to Him, I am being transformed into His likeness and by implication, what I want, becomes more in line with His will and purpose for my life.

On the other, I am fully aware that He knows better, He is in control and sees the full picture. He is sovereign and will work all things together for my good.

When Things Don’t Work Out the Way I Want them to…

Naturally, many things don’t work out the way I want them to.

When things don’t go my way, I often resort to scripture where bold men like Daniel’s friends in Daniel 3, acknowledges that God is capable of doing what I need Him to do, but even if He doesn’t do want I want Him to do in my situation, I will still acknowledge His lordship and authority in my life.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego answered the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to answer you on this point.  If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to rescue us from the furnace of blazing fire, and He will rescue us from your hand, O king.  But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up!”

Daniel 3:16-18

The below song from MercyMe appeals to the very essence of this scripture. So often times in this every season of juggling my hopes with God’s outcome, you will hear the song blaring in our home.

How does my Frame of Reference as a Christian really differ from the Secular World?

Apart from the obvious difference, in terms of the fact that as Christians we place our hope and trust in God, I started wondering how that translates in my day-to-day life.

It is easy to acknowledge the fact that God knows me inside and outside and use the fact that He is sovereign as an excuse to carry on without acknowledging Him in the day-to-day.

To me, this is the trap.

God knows me intimately. But He wants me to take the time and effort to tell Him how I feel. He has wired us to gain comfort from spending time with the ultimate comforter, the Holy Spirit.

I’m starting to realise that one of the ways the enemy keeps us from God, is by immobilizing us. See if we stay stuck in the “God is Sovereign” spot, without moving into relation with the Holy Spirit. We are left weak.

When we lean into God. Into His protection and His comfort, the bad news we’re expecting means nothing. It has no hold on us. Ultimately, we are reminded on a different, relational level, that God really is in control.


Roaring Truth in the Uncertainty

Most of us feel uncertain at the moment, roaring truth in the face of uncertainty, fatality, and economic disaster may not seem like enough.

Here’s the thing, Truth is the only constant.

Last year ended with a bang and it started with pretty much the same intensity. The effect of being busy or keeping busy at work means I haven’t published any blog posts in the last few months.

Today, I am sharing some thoughts while in the middle of the uncertainly that is Corona while sharing some of my inner thoughts relating to my word of the year.

Roaring truth in uncertain times, calls for remembering who you are.

My word(s) for 2020 is Roar Truth.

Even though I have been missing in action, I have selected a word for the year, something I have done since 2013. Every word, year after year, has been beautiful and applicable in every season.

This year has been no different! To the contrary, this year has me looking back, in awe at how fitting my word for the year is.

Background to Roaring Truth

To the end of last year, I listened to Jonathan and Melissa Helser’s podcast, when Melissa said something so profound, that I literally stopped everything I was doing, to allow the words to sink in.

She made a comment about how Jesus lived in complete dependence on the Father. She challenged the listener to go to the root of what we believe about God when we criticize ourselves.

At the time, I was playing with the word “Restore” as my word for the year. However, in that moment, I realised restoration will be the product of roaring truth in and over my life.

I remember even writing the word wrong in my journal, instead of writing roar truth, I wrote raw truth. Which at this very moment, makes it even more significant.

Unpacking the meaning behind the words


A roar according to the dictionary is a full, deep, prolonged cry uttered by a lion or other large wild animal.

– To roar is to do something. It’s a verb. It’s something we need to do.


The word raw is described in a couple of ways:

– Firstly, it is described as in a natural state, without having been through any chemical or industrial process.

– In art or writing, raw is seen as something that does not try to hide anything about its subject.

– Something that is sore or painful because of being rubbed or damaged.

We’ll get back to the meaning of Truth!

In January this year, during one of the church sermons, the elder made reference to the relationship Adam and Eve had with one another and with God. He referenced Genesis 2:25, which reads as follows:

And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed or embarrassed.

Genesis 2:25

Just to give context, God had made Adam. He settled Adam in the Garden of Eden and told him to cultivate and keep it. God then saw that Adam needed a helper and so He made Eve. This was before the fall of man, before sin, before they were kicked out of Eden.

Being naked and unashamed was a part of the relationship they had with one another and with God. There’s an openness, a dependency, that we need to grab a hold of!


I don’t need the dictionary to describe truth. For many years, I’ve lived by the reality that there are many versions of what we see or know to be true. I instinctively knew that there was a version of the truth and Truth. God’s truth. Christ.

Sadly, I was okay with a version of the truth. Let’s be honest though, a version of the truth is not Truth. Truth mixed with something else is no longer true. Which makes it a lie.

The aim for 2020 was going to be, to return to what the Word says.

John 8:32 says it beautifully, you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. However, have you read the verse before this verse?

“If you abide in My word [continually obeying My teachings and living in accordance with them, then] you are truly My disciples.

Another well-known scripture reads as: I am the [only] Way [to God] and the [real] Truth and the [real] Life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. (John 14:16)

Hang with me a moment longer, when Jesus says, no one comes to the Father but through me, He wasn’t referring to our salvation or going to heaven. He is talking about the relationship we have with Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Father right now, here on earth.

He is referring to a relationship with- and dependency on the Lord, the type of dependency that goes beyond, our own ability to look after ourselves and our kids.

My goal this year, is to roar the raw truth in a naked and unashamed way.

Roaring Truth During the Covid-19 Distress

I guess what I’m trying to say, is that it is time to believe in the Truth. The Truth that exceeds our understanding and challenge what we believe about ourselves, about society and about what we have come to accept as the norm.

My goal this year, is to roar the raw truth in a naked and unashamed way.

Have you reflected on your word of the year while in lockdown? In what way has your word held truth, meaning and guidance in the last 21 odd days?

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What It Means To Be Body, Soul And Spirit

I have been thinking about the connection between body, soul and spirit a lot lately.   During a recent Capoeira training session where I nearly hit rock bottom, I learned so much about this connection, that I have to write it down, share it and learn from it!

If the concept of body, soul and spirit is new to you, this is probably one of the best resources I have watched in a long time.  

If you want more information, be sure to watch part 2 and part 3 in this little series by Andre Wommack.  

To me the concept is clear as daylight because it is a fundamental truth that I learned at the age of 14.

Naturally, that doesn’t mean, I have understood the full meaning of what it means to be transformed.  Sadly, for many years, I have been trying to ‘fix’ myself through physical effort and perseverance. 

Let’s be honest, it hasn’t worked!  Not on a physical level at least!

Background | My Present Situation

I currently find myself in a sticky situation.  Really, we as a family, are finding ourselves in the worst possible situation!  If it was just me, I would probably roll into a ball and simply give up.  But it is affecting my kids, my partner, the whole family dynamic and unfortunately, we are left in a position where we need to trust in ‘the system’, even though ‘the system’ has failed us completely up to now.

Now I know I am talking in riddles and wish I could talk openly and honestly without the riddles.  In time I will, but for now, I find myself in the heat of it all.  I don’t know the outcome,  I don’t have the answers.

All I can do is pray and wait.  I have done everything I could have done and now we wait.

If there is one thing you ought to know about me, it is that I hate waiting.  I hate being at the mercy of something that I don’t have control over!  I’d much rather hustle and find alternative solutions, but in this very instance, there is absolutely nothing I can do, but pray, fast and put my faith in the Lord.  

Learn to welcome the waiting in seasons in between.

So what am I doing, in the meanwhile?

We all know the serenity prayer!  God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” 

For me in particular, my only way of coping with what’s happening externally is by focusing my attention on something that will have a positive impact on me, even if I don’t fully understand it.

In this case, it has been, the mind.   

I started listening to the teachings of Dr Caroline Leaf and although I don’t want to go into all of that in this post, I am mentioning where I started.

To keep things brief, I would like to say, that the crux of what I understand from Dr Leaf, is that, the mind (soul) controls and allows the brain (body) to grow.  Think about the brain-paths being created while repeating study material

We all know that the mind is divided in a conscious and subconscious part –  not rocket science.  What we tend to underestimate, is the fact that the subconscious mind, impacts the conscious mind, and the conscious mind the body, or really the brain.  

When you start looking at the close connection between thoughts and the brain, there’s something really valuable to learn!

Caroline also mentions that our mind (soul) has one foot in the door of the spirit and one foot in the door of the body – which makes total sense – and the key, of course, is your subconscious mind.  

What does it mean to be body, soul and spirit?

Up until now, I have approached the subject of body, soul and spirit from a pretty theoretical perspective.  So let me tell you what happened in last week’s Capoeira class.  

Like I mentioned in the background information I am finding myself in a difficult spot – emotionally (soul) and pretty much physically, although my body itself isn’t really affected.  

Capoeira is an extremely challenging martial art.  This is one of the things that I love about the sport!  I am literally forced out of my comfort zone on a weekly basis.  It’s also one of the things that I hate the most about Capoeira.  It really is a love-hate relationship like nothing I have ever experienced.  

Related:  Why Capoeira?

Losing Control In A Capoeira Class Taught Me The Impact Of The Mind On The Body

Anyway, on this particular day, I didn’t have the mental capacity to practice the sport.  But I had stayed away for a couple of classes for this particular reason.  Essentially, I had run out of excuses and the boys really needed it!

Before we started training I warned my mestre or coach.  Naturally, however, he kept training at what he referred to as a slow pace.  Little did he realise that my capacity to train was a lot less than his slower pace.

At a stage, I told him I wasn’t feeling well and needed a moment to regroup.  As I went to the bathroom, I felt breakpoint.  I was about to burst into tears and give up completely.

It may sound trivial to you and let’s be honest for a moment.  Capoeira has nothing to do with what is happening in my life at the moment.  They are two separate, unrelated entities.  Capoeira had the ability to push me beyond my limits to where I no longer had any control.  

It felt scary.  Uncomfortable and once I realised what was happening – liberating!  

At that very moment, I understood the impact my mind (soul) had on my ability to cope physically, in a demanding Capoeira class.

Essentially, this particular Capoeira class taught me something about the impact of the mind on the physical body.

If that is the ability of the mind, can you imagine the impact the spirit has?  My spirit who is inspired, empower and enabled by the Holy Spirit?  

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Christian Contemporary Music & Our Kids

I’ve always realised that I wanted to spend most of my time feeding my soul in a postitive and Godly manner by listening to Christian contemporary music.  I’ve also known that I wanted to expose to my kids to this kind of music for as long as possible. 

What I didn’t realised was the impact it has had on their lives! 

In last week when I fetched the kids from aftercare, Oliver promptly advised me that he had created his very own song.  As he started singing in full force, I could clearly link the words and the melody of his song to a combination of Christian songs we listen to.

As a mom, this is exactly what I want!  

I am a firm believer that the Holy Spirit, speaks to us daily.  I’ve never heard God audibly, but the whispers you receive as sudden thoughts, or the lyrics of a song that come to light, is God speaking to us!

Are your kids listening of Christian Contemporary music?

Why Christian Contemporary Music?

We’re all familiar with the term, junk in, junk out.  The same is true with thoughts.  We’re so careful to protect our kids from inappropriate tv-shows, but have you considered what the message behind the songs your kids listen to daily?  

Let’s take ‘Youngblood‘ by  5 Seconds Of Summer.  Catchy song, nice beat and a half decent music video.  However,  the message behind the song is that there is no such thing as love.  Love is a myth and it is better not to be vulnerable in front of your partner because it isn’t going to last.

Remember the words you told me, “love me till the day I die”
Surrender my everything ’cause you made me believe you’re mine

Youngblood‘ by  5 Seconds Of Summer

As I thought over these words and lyrics, I realised how subtly the casual sex culture we live in, our kids are growing up with, changes.  

Related:  Liberated, The Film | Casual Sex Culture & Raising Kids

Now I know I cannot shield my kids from the media completely!  I can monitor what they watch and listen to at home and on their mobile phones.  I can reprimand and take away these privileges if they are abused. 

But let’s face it,  I won’t be able to keep them away completely.

They will choose.

I know they will be exposed to all sorts of music, videos and media in general.  Just like I know, they will have to make a decision as to whether they will engage with the media.

My only hope is, that they remember what they’ve grown up with.  Yes, it isn’t like we only listen to Christian contemporary music, we do listen to other songs as well, but the fact remains, there is a balance.

My hope is, that when a Christian song pops up in their heads, that they will listen to the message, because, as I have mentioned above – this is one of the ways in which the Holy Spirit speaks and encourages us!

Our Favourite Christian Contemporary Music

I am sure you must be wondering exactly what we’re listening to!

The music scene has changed a lot over the past couple of years.  Initially, most Christian music was simply, praise and worships song, now there are various different genres of Christian music.  I know these will evolve as the boys grow older, but for now, I am really grateful we share our love for these songs:

For King and Country

We love ‘For King and Country’ – their very first single that became popular, was called Joy!  It has a brilliant message for young and old – do yourself a favour, watch the whole music video.  

There are two new songs we adore, the kids love Amen and although I like it, I really love Pioneers.  


This song really speaks of the Bible characters our kids grow up with – Moses, Daniel and David!  I love that it is a quick reminder of their bravery, courage and faith.  

 Cory Asbury | Reckless Love

Naturally, each child has there favourite song as well.  Reckless Love is one of Oli’s favourites, along with ‘Glorious Day‘ and ‘King of my Heart.’

Lauren Daigle – Look Up Child 

Logan loves the reggae feel of this Lauren Daigle song.

I could probably do a how series on Christian contemporary music.  For now, if you feel inspired I will simply point you in the right direction:  Not today; So I will and Who You Say I am.

What music is your kid listening to?

I would love to know if I am the only one who wants to pump my kids full of the love of God, by introducing them to various kinds of Christian music.  

Let me know in the comment below, if this is something you are doing or something you have though about before? 

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Learning as I go | Intermittent Fasting VS Fasting as a Spiritual Discipline

Intermittent fasting is generally perceived as a weight loss tactic while fasting for religious purposes is on the opposite end of the spectrum.  Even before experimenting with intermittent fasting, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that my intentions with fasting were a whole lot more than simply losing weight.

Disclaimer:  There are a bunch of different religions who embrace fasting as a practice.  As I am writing these words, I am a couple of people I know from the Muslims faith, are fasting for Ramadan.  While I respect their journey and practice, I really can’t speak from a Muslim or any other religious perspective.

For that reason, I will speak about fasting from a Christian perspective.  While I am no-where near an expert on the matter, I am pretty excited about learning about fasting as a spiritual discipline.


Biblical fasting


Biblical Fasting

The Bible says when we fast, that implies, we as Christians have a responsibility to fast, something that isn’t very common amongst us!  That in itself should tell us something!

There are loads of resources available online to guide us on the matter, resources I am thoroughly enjoying.  Bennie Mostert has a very helpful guide when it comes to fasting as a spiritual discipline.

The purpose of this post isn’t to dig into these!  It really is to guide me and share the interesting things I find along the way!

I’m sure you remember this famous verse from Jeremiah:

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord - Scripture

The verse right in front of this one reads as follows:   “When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfil my good promise to bring you back to this place.”

The Israelites were in exile in Babylon!

Stay with me now!  Let’s head over to Daniel 9.  Here’s what it says:

 In the first year of Darius son of Xerxes, who was made ruler over the Babylonian kingdom— in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the LORD given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years
So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. 

Let’s just tidy all of this up for a moment. Daniel was referring to the Jeremiah 29:10, where the Lord says:  When your 70 years in exile is over, I will fulfil My promise to you.

This is the same Daniel that had already been (and survived) the lion’s den!

Also, the same Daniel that survives a furnace.

The same Daniel that said the following words when he faced the burning fire:  My God is able to save me from the fire, but even if He doesn’t, I still won’t bow down to any other God.

Here’s what that tells me:
  1. He knew God intimately
  2. Daniel fully trusted God!
  3. Lions and Fire!  Call me a wimp, but that’s pretty spectacular!
  4. Daniel understood that when God said 70 years, He meant 70 years.

Let’s be honest, Daniel lived a spotless life, as a Jew!  Before Christ died for our sins, in other words, under the Mosaic law!

I have been saved by grace, a gift!  And yet, I lack the discipline to fast, along with the intimacy Daniel enjoys with God.

I believe the intimacy Daniel enjoyed was a product of fasting.

A state of fear

A couple of months ago, I wrote a post called:  “How to face and overcome fear in your innermost being“.  The essence of the post is that I am afraid and fear paralyses me, to an extent that I am not very useful!  Ever since that initial post, I realise, there’s a deeper underlying issue, that I need to address in order for me to stand in my full purpose.

There’s an urgency in me to be who I am meant to be, yet I have no idea how to be that person!

I’m sure all of that sounds like one massive riddle!  Perhaps this is a better way of wording it: There are so many hurting people in the world and yet my focus is on extra kilos I want to lose!

It’s absurd!

Fasting without prayer

Weight loss and Fasting

Losing weight isn’t about being skinny or pretty.  It’s to be strong, fit, healthy!   Capable!

The extra kilos are holding me back, so they need to go.  But here’s the thing – it isn’t a physical thing!  Emotional eating is more emotion than eating.

So this fasting journey is a journey of physical, emotional and spiritual transformation.


Validating your worth

I have been on quite a journey the last couple of months.  The last piece of the puzzle fell into place couple of weeks ago and had to do with validating your worth.

The meaning of validation

According to Google, to validate something is to “check or prove the validity or accuracy thereof.”  And even though there isn’t anything wrong with checking your worth – we are inheriting ignorant humans, who try and validate our worth against what the world perceives as a norm or standard.

The Journey

I have been on a journey where my destructive habits were getting the better of me.   I had to confront my fears and learn how defining or labelling emotions helps me cope with what was happening in my life.

My journey led me to think about the meaning of a life in abundance, along with my function in the body.  Honestly, these are all higher grade things, things I’m not capable of achieving on my own.

If there is one thing I am confident in, it’s the knowledge that I cannot do it, in or through myself! 

Even after I realigned my head and heart I realised I was still operating in a state of fear, fear I was completely unaware of.

Journey of one woman to validate her worth

Validating your Worth

Validating your worth is a concept that is ingrained in me.  I am always busy adding value, not because I have to, but because I want to.

Let me use an example – I’ve completed my honours degree in industrial psychology, instead of just waiting a couple of years, until Oli’s a bit bigger and I can focus on my master’s degree, I have decided to enrol for a post-graduate certificate in education.

Did I really have to enrol for another qualification?  No.  Was there a part of me, that enrolled, because I felt the need to validate my worth?  If I am being very honest – of course!  At the moment, I feel like a bit of a failure!  I have come so far, and it seems like my last option is to give up on my dream of becoming an industrial psychologist.  So instead of dealing with the hurt and anger, I push myself harder and try something different.

Essentially, I am doing the right thing for the wrong reason!

My studies were one example, but relationships are another area where we (and here I mean, I) validate our worth.  We’re so busy being functional and even helpful, validating our worth, to recognise that we are loved.

We don’t have to add any value, the relationships that really matter, are the ones where we can simply be.

I am so blessed to learn this lesson – coming out of an abusive relationship and a divorce and really doing life with a person where I am enough!

Validate your worth in relationships

It’s been so much harder to write this post than I thought it would be.  I am 100% I will still try and validate my worth in every relationship I have, but I’m going to remind myself, daily, that there’s no need to validate my worth.

My worth is found in my creator.  He knows how I have been woven together, He understands my thinking and He wants to have an intimate relationship with me!  It’s crazy and it’s true!

There’s no shadow You won’t light up
Mountain You won’t climb up
Coming after me

There’s no wall You won’t kick down
Lie You won’t tear down
Coming after me

Initially, my thinking regarding this song was about redeeming lives.  The fact that He comes after me, to save me.  But the more I get to know this God, the more I realise, He isn’t only interested in saving me – He is interested in knowing me intimately.  He is interested in breaking down every lie I believe here and now, that stands between us.  He is interested in empowering me, to be who He has created me to be, in order for me to stand in my full potential.

Quote Reckless Love - Cory Asbury

And while I don’t understand the mystery of why He values me as much as He does, I marvel in it.

Here’s the thing, I don’t know how to write about self-worth without incorporating God.  I don’t know how someone exists without Him, outside of Him.  Even when I write in such a way to keep this blog secular and open to all readers regardless of religious preference, I know, that this right here, isn’t a religious preference.  It is a real relationship!  One that I neglect and take for granted.

At the end of it all, there is no I without Him,  there is no worth outside of Him.  He created me for His pleasure and then gave me the ability to choose.  I choose Him!


Life and Life in Abundance

The thief comes to kill steal and destroy, but I have come to give you life and life in abundance.  Joh 10:10

To Dwell on the Negatives or Not?  That is the Question!

Some days it is so easy to look at all the things that go wrong. It’s easier to dwell on the negatives and allow it to consume you than to look at the positives – to notice, or rather to really take note of the beauty in everyday life.

Take my kids, for example, some days my kids drive me up the walls.  In that moment I take for granted the gift of parenting.  I fail to notice that my kids are happy, well-adjusted kids, who have the drive to succeed and handle life and marvellously well at it!

This post was meant to be a private post.  Initially, the aim was to document my sorrows, but the more I think of it, the more I have a reason to sing and a reason to worship!

Life in Abundance leads to generosity

What is Life in Abundance?

The word abundance comes from the word overflow.  Google states the following words as synonyms for abundance as follows:

Profusion, plentifulness, copiousness, amplified, affluence, multitude, oodles, lavishness, bountifulness, infinityopulenceexuberance, luxuriance.

Just notice something for a moment – abundance speaks of quantity and quality!

Abundance for me refers to unsurpassed peace, despite my current reality, it speaks of qualities beyond my thinking!

The Message translates the second half of the verse as follows:  “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”

Eternal life is grand – but what about real life?  Have you ever thought of your life as authentic?  Have you ever considered that the things that you’ve been through in life, can bring another, deeper dimension to your character?   To what you have to bring to the table?

Abundant of Resources

The day before yesterday I had the honour of sitting amongst a group of ladies, sharing stories of our lives.  The best moments in our lives, our worst experiences we’ve faced and the things that we are constantly attacked and challenged by.

Do you know what I realised?

The enemy really isn’t all that creative!

He uses the same thing to steal from me, that he uses on the girl next to me.  And the person next to her shares a similar story.  A story of rejection, a story of feeling unworthy of being loved.  Our stories may have a different origin, but we are all facing the same kind of struggle – and honestly – enough of it!

It is time to take hands, join heart and face these things together!

It is time to see the bigger picture, to work towards attaining overflow.  There is so much beauty in sharing and conquering hardships.

Life in Abundance, Leads to Generosity

Naturally, as soon as I attain overflow, there’s more for me to give.  Generosity is a concept I have been juggling around in my head since last year.

There has been a principle for me to learn – a hidden gem, that is only being revealed, bit by bit, piece by piece…

Vulnerability Quote by Brene Brown

1. Abundances stem from a place of vulnerability.

The courage to be brave in my brokenness and to face my fears, conquer the consequences of my actions and even accept my failures.  (And just so we are clear – never in a million years, could I do this in my own capacity, it’s only by and through Christ’s grace that I’m able to attain all of that!)

2. Boldness (Vrymoedigheid)

Vrymoedigheid is the Afrikaans word for boldness, yet, vrymoedigheid, starts with the word free.  In my mind vrymoedigheid, speaks of the freedom in being bold.  The fact that boldness isn’t ‘strong and confident’ but rather, humble in courage!

 3. Generosity

Piecing it all together…  because I am humble in courage, I am able to go to God with my praise and petitions and I am able to ask for His help.  As I draw near the throne room, my life is being enriched, with the fullness of His peace and comfort.

Because I am aware of my own limitations, I am able to be vulnerable and push through, leaning into the discomfort.

During the process of pushing through, my duty and privilege is to journeying with those on a similar path.  By being faithful in my walk and caring for those around me, I attain life in abundance!

And finally, abundance leads to generosity.  I have, so I am able to give.

Life to the full

What will you focus on Today?

Today may have it’s set of challenges, but I choose to focus and apply my thoughts on the beauty of life and making my prayers and petitions known to God in the throne room.

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How to Face and Overcome Fear in Your Innermost Being

I have a fear of fire, some have a fear of spiders or heights.  This blog post isn’t about overcoming phobias or simply “being” more courageous by doing a firefighter’s course or facing a 9-meter jump.  I want to talk deep innermost fears, in hope for me (and you) to overcome fear.

It really is amazing how God gently prepares us!

In June last year, I did a short 5-week course at our local church about hearing God’s voice.  The themes included, hearing God’s voice, decerning between your own voice and His and building confidence through the practice of prophesying over other people.

The highlight of the course was when a team of Christians with a passion for prophecy served and ministered to us.

I was given a word that didn’t make much sense at the time.  The word revolved around the concept of fear and how I needed to overcome fear.

I received beautiful confirmation that there will be breakthroughs in various areas of my life.  Along with encouragement, that “perfect love casts out all fears” and it is time to stop being afraid and trust God…  God has my back…  Time to let go of people holding me back… Don’t be afraid to speak what God puts on your heart – simply trust in Him.

Naturally, I presumed that the breakthroughs and the fear, not’s, were connected.

Which in hindsight, is not.

The breakthroughs are still lingering – within arms’ reach, but just-just out of my grasp.  But here’s the thing – I was still waiting and praying for the breakthroughs, oblivious to the fear!

God is a Gentle God

I know God is almighty, all powerful and unexplainable – which translates in ‘we need to fear God‘!  Isn’t it just amazing how this incomprehensible God comes and speaks to us, gently and intimately!  In a way that we will finally hear and understand!

I am in awe of the patience and dedication He has for dealing with me.

 hustle and run with joy

Run with Joy

Every year, I choose a word for the year, this year’s word (or phrase for lack of a better term) is “run with joy”.  To me, it feels like a two-fold declaration or focus.

  1. Hustle with the right things in order to push through the boundaries and receive the breakthrough for His glory.
  2. Physically run!  It’s time to start looking after my body, shed the extra kilos.  Time to be strong and healthy!

The sad part is that I have stagnated over the past month and a half.  With Oli in the hospital and life (personal and work matters) demanding my attention, I have literally* been holding my breath.

Without me knowing it, I have been paralysed with fear, to the extent that I haven’t functioned properly for the past couple months.

The enemy is cunning with his manipulation.  I mean, honestly – how am I to overcome fear, if I’m not even aware of the fear that has me paralysed?

How to face and overcome fear in your innermost being

Overcome Fear in Your (My) innermost being

Knowing that I am in a state of fear is probably the biggest gain.  Understanding that I am being manipulated by the enemy tells me I am in a spiritual battle.

We all know there’s a spiritual battle all around us, but knowing we are caught up in the middle – hanging by a thread – makes the world of difference.  It makes it personal.

I am no expert on the matter and I am prepared to share any wisdom and knowledge I learn through the process.

Here’s what I know

1.) Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. (Rom 10:17)  By implication, that also means, I need to speak the Word of God.  (John 6:63)

2.) It’s time for me to lay down the things making me anxious and time to start trusting!  He is a good God and He has my back.  Despite the things that go “wrong” from my perspective – His will be done, He will be glorified and I will learn and grow in the process.

3.) He holds me in the palm of His hand (Isa 49:16)

4.) God knows what the future holds, He is omnipresent – He is there already.  There is no point in me stressing about it!

5.) It is time for me to replace every lie of the enemy with truth from my Father!

6.) My God will restore two-fold what was lost.  (Zech 9:12)

Here’s what I know, I might say all of the above with little conviction today.  If I keep speaking the Truth, every-single-day, I will start to believe in my core and that is where faith begins.

Today is the start of me claiming what is rightfully mine.  I am a Daughter of the King, in Him, I am strong and healthy, I am a conqueror through Christ who strengthens me.

Have you ever been in a place where you were stagnant because of fear however completely oblivious to it?

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Freedom and Faith

There is this odd sensation I am feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Father made me aware of the fact that what seems to be my current circumstances are in fact what is happening in the physical realm.  The spiritual realm is completely different.

Freedom and Faith and the implication that freedom, comes through faith

See we sing “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom” in church.  We know the chains have been broken and yet day by day we buckle under the weight of our physical reality.  There isn’t a day that I don’t worry about my kids, about their future.  There isn’t a day that I don’t wonder what the hell I am doing.

I crave freedom,  I crave rest and it doesn’t seem to sync in, that I have freedom.  I have rest at my disposal and I am the one who isn’t making time to sit and quietly wait on the Lord.

Man, technology and the environment

I am in a blindly apply for anything and everything I might, almost be suitable for at the moment.  So far, I haven’t been extremely successful in my “apply-left-right-and-centre” mode.  This morning, however, I applied for a position as an administrator.  So when I had 2 missed calls and a voice message from a random person, telling me to phone him back, without any inclination of what the call is related to, I freaked out a little.

After a nice, informal chit-chat, I realised it was the post I applied for.  I read the job spec and wasn’t certain what the pay would be like, but I really liked the company.  They end off their LinkedIn introduction with the words, “in order to meet the challenges arising from the interaction between man, technology and the environment.”

Now if you know me, you would know I am (1.) up for any challenge and (2.) extremely passionate about technology in relation to people.  I am a firm believer that technology means nothing without people – something very few companies understand.

The reference to the environment is something that I hadn’t considered much, but today of all days, I read the below quote and it makes complete sense.

The difference between a defeated lion in a zoo and the commanding presence of one roaming in the Serengeti is its environment. Seeing a lion in the zoo is often a disappointing experience. Yet coming across one in the wild is usually a thrilling encounter. They both have the same raw power and potential, but only one can express it.


So obvious, yet something that I hadn’t consciously considered in the past.

The one thing that left me, just a little worried, was the gentleman’s indifference.  He wanted to see me, right away and my week is beyond hectic.  To my surprise, I had another missed call about an hour later, no voice message.  I had a hunch it might be the same company based on the nature of the phone number.  And it was.

Excel Test as Employment Entrance Requirements

After that I did what every sane person does when they keep missing calls, that may potentially be life-changing.  I checked my emails.  After I refreshed once or twice I had a mail from the very organisation, asking me to complete an attached excel test.

I was intrigued.  The psychometrist in me, love assessments, even when it is presented in the form of an excel spreadsheet, that I may have needed a little bit of google assistance with.  (Hey, if I did pivot tables, every day, I wouldn’t have had to.  So I needed a quick refresher.  Turns out it is exactly the same as the CRM reports I am building daily.)

So, all in all.  I am excited.  But instead of diligently preparing for the possible interview I may have tomorrow or the day after, I am blogging about it.

In saying this, I really have an expectation, that if this is meant to be, the position will be mine.  I have an expectation that if God has intended this position for me, I will have the freedom to be me.  With my willingness to learn and my faults.

Have I mentioned it is an international company?

God has this gentle way of forcing me to a place when I have tried every avenue and all I have left is to place my faith in Him.  I know this post is premature and nothing make come from the application or the interview.  But I am grateful, I am grateful that I serve a God, who is gentle.  A caring God that doesn’t treat us like kids that need spoon feeding.  He gives us time, He allows us to choose and His time is always right.

Blogpost about freedeom and faith and the implications thereof


Intentional Living and Prayer

“God wants to take you from where you are, to where He is calling you to be.  But He needs you to be intentional where you are.  He needs you to be faithful here and He needs you to dream there.  He needs you to write things down and then put it into His hands.”

I’m a big Lisa Bevere fan.  I follow her on social media and I love listening to the podcast she hosts with her husband.  I don’t know if it is because she’s a boy-mamma like me or because she’s such a down to earth person with an extra portion of gutsy boldness.  All I know is that she gets me excited about changing the world and sharing the gospel.

Intentional living and prayer

Intentional Living

The video was shared earlier this year in social media.  At the time, I knew it was a video I needed to share and refer back to.  It has been laying and patiently waiting in a draft format ever since.

In the past week, I have been challenged a couple of times that my breakthroughs are close.  With the confirmation that they are close came some responsibility.  See sometimes, God calls us to fight the fight, other times He tells us to be still and know that He is God and that He will take care of things.  When Oliver was diagnosed with cancer, I needed to lay my burdens on Him and trust that He would take care of things.

Because of what Oliver went through and the fact that I had no control, I learned to trust and be still.  Don’t get me wrong, I have by no means perfected the art of casting my burdens on Him – it is and will always be a continuous process.

fervent prayers

Praying Fervently with Authority

What excites and scares me a little bit, is that the word I received confirmed that this time around, God won’t be ‘handling‘ it on my behalf.  For this next season, I will need to put in the ‘work‘ by praying fervently with authority.

The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much [when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power]. James 5:16

The sweet reward of my prayers will be a new level of intimacy with Him.  Furthermore, the fruit of the intimacy will carry weight and authority in terms of words that will be spoken and the revelation that those words will have to the person(s) on the receiving end.

The word also comes very close to what Lisa is saying.  I need to live intentionally and faithfully where I am and dream of where God wants me to be.

As a start, I have decided to be more intentional with the words I write.  I need a leap of faith that forces me to write about what is in my very core.  Sometimes it will be light and fluffy.  At times, it needs to carry authority.  It needs to be a voice for people who don’t have the means or options to speak.

I think it would be fair to say, I don’t really know where to start.  But I am excited about the journey and I am excited to mature and grow in my faith.

Do you believe in the power of prayer?