Sparrow at Heart


My opinion of the wedding expo

Being able to type a post while sitting in traffic must be one of the biggest advantages of a blackberry!

Over the weekend I posted a blog post informing you all of my excitement regarding the wedding expo and the venue hunt. Well it was exhausting in all fairness! (Which in turn reflects just how productive we were!)

Left me start by saying the best possible advise I was given regarding the expo was to attend on the Sunday afternoon. The Sunday afternoon was so busy I wasn’t sure if I was Artha or Martha! I cannot/ refuse to think what it would have been like on the Saturday morning. My opinion of the expo, and I shouldn’t say this too loud, but it is a bit overrated! The wedding workshop we attended earlier the year was a lot more informative. And with the help of google and referrals from the different venues, you have more than enough options and choices!

That said however, I would have been disappointed if I didn’t attend! I wouldn’t have taken this advise from anyone, but then I am stubborn like that!

Advise to any vendor considering advertising at the expo, you need to be exceptionally unique and original to be remembered! So if you are not going to be, please have enough brochures and cards. Or better yet maximise google search engines and have a decent/ stunning/ informative website!

More on the venues tomorrow!